Dr. Pat McLean, D.C.
Patricia F. McLean, D.C. Curriculum Vitae
OBJECTIVE: • To transform health care in the United States and the world by educating people about Chiropractic, essential oils, and light in healing. Dedicated to promoting LightForce® Chiropractic and Subluxation-focused Chiropractic.
PROGRAMS: How to Look Younger and Live Longer with Light- Introduces students to FDA cleared light and laser information and technology to reverse aging and rejuvenate skin, hair, muscles and organs 100 Year Lifestyle The fastest growing demographic in the US are centenarians. Learn how to keep your ESS in shape, Endurance, Strength and Structure. Create a healthy future Cold laser, BioMat and frequency healing The human body is designed to harvest photons of light for healing. Find out about how your body is made of light and how it heals itself Divine Design The art of goal setting. How to accomplish any personal, professional or humanitarian goal. Practical, easy systems for creating your dreams. Divine Design using Essential Oils. Using specific essential oils to assist the brain and limbic system in focusing on your goals. The Limbic System and Childhood Stress. How the Limbic System develops and is effected by scent .Focus is on the effects of essential oils. Supernatural Abundance. Abundance principles. Alignment with your greatest potential and your highest Purpose can be accelerated with meditation, prayer and healthy lifestyle.
EDUCATION: Undergraduate Old Dominion University Professional Life College of Chiropractic, Georgia Doctor of Chiropractic, 1984 (Cum Laude) Continuing Education ▪ Studied directly with Dr. Richard van Rumpt founder of DNFT Obtained certification by him in DNFT in 1980 ▪ Parker College of Chiropractic 120 hour Physical Therapy Certification, 2007, which included “Cutting Edge Therapies,” instructed by Dr. Ken Thomas, D.C. ▪ Certified Laser Specialist: Studied Advanced Phototherapy, 2009, with Douglas Johnson, LAT ATC EES CLS, author of Phototherapy 101 ▪ Certified Activator Methods Technique, 2010 ▪ 100 Year Lifestyle Certification Program ▪ Flower of Life Meditation, Advanced
SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: • Experienced in program presentation and group facilitation • Able to work independently and as a cooperative team member. • Outstanding communication, presentation and assessment skills. • Extensive experience in leadership, teaching and public speaking. • Thirty-two years of experience in private practice.
• Virginia Society of Chiropractic; Co-Founder and Past Secretary • Association for Research of Directional Non-Force Technique; ▪ Co-Founder and Current Vice President • International Chiropractors Association ▪ Lifetime Member, ▪ Fellow ▪ Past VA Assembly Representative • International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, member • United Virginia Chiropractic Association, member • League of Chiropractic Women, Founding member
HONORS AND AWARDS: • Chiropractor of the Year, 1997, VIRGINIA SOCIETY OF CHIROPRACTIC • Distinguished Service Award, 1994, Virginia Society of Chiropractic • Distinguished Fellow, 1994, INTERNATIONAL CHIROPRACTORS ASSOCIATION • Diplomate, 1984, NATIONAL BOARD OF CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS • Award winning speaker on Chiropractic Philosophy • Life Dynamic Essentials Team Speakers Award, 1984, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 • Diplomate, 2007, Physiotherapy, NATIONAL BOARD OF CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS
LICENSES: Virginia, Hawaii
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: • Nationally Recognized Chiropractic Lecturer • Active Full-Time Practice at Ocean LightForce® Chiropractic, P.C., since 1984 • First and Largest Office in Virginia using LightForce® Chiropractic, since 1984 • Instructor and Lecturer on Low Level LASER Therapy, teaching LASER therapy techniques to doctors and other health professionals in the U.S. • Owner, Ocean LightForce® Chiropractic, 1984-present • Owner, Ocean LightForce® Chiropractic-Maui • Vice President of Corporate Programs, Multi Radiance Medical, 2009-2012 • Featured Speaker for New Beginnings Chiropractic Seminar, Dynamic Essentials,
Chiropractic Connect, Parker Seminars, Activator Methods and other professional venues • Co-Founder of LightForce® Chiropractic Technique with Dr. Michael S. McLean • Owner, LightForce® Frequencies, technology distribution company • CEU teacher of LASER techniques for California Chiropractic Assn., Parker Chiropractic College, Colorado Chiropractic Assn., Life University-College of Chiropractic, Bridgewater College and 100 Year Lifestyle Program • Life University, College of Chiropractic, President’s Circle • Life Chiropractic College-West, President’s Circle • Sherman College of Chiropractic, Board of Regents • Representative to Da Vinci Group I and II • Founding member of League of Chiropractic Women, 2012 Political Committee Chairwoman
BIO: Dr. Pat McLean received her doctorate from Life College in 1984 after undergraduate work at Old Dominion University. She and her husband, Dr. Michael S. McLean, also a chiropractor, commuted between his practice in Virginia Beach and Life College in Georgia for four years while she completed her Doctor of Chiropractic degree. She graduated from Life Chiropractic College in 1984 with honors and went on to build one of the most successful chiropractic offices in the country. She is certified by Dr. Richard van Rumpt in Directional Non-Force Technique. She and her husband, Dr. Michael McLean, have developed the LightForce® adjusting technique and LightForce® Corrective Care, a new approach to chronic recurring problems. This extremely gentle technique requires no popping, twisting, or “cracking” of the spine. Dr. McLean has served as the Virginia Delegate to the Representative Assembly of the International Chiropractor’s Association, and is a nationally known speaker on Chiropractic, Cold Laser and Optimum Living. She was Virginia Chiropractor of the Year in 1997. She is one of the Founders of the League of Chiropractic Women and supports the leadership development and mentoring of chiropractic women to advance drug-free and subluxation-focused chiropractic. A home birth pioneer and vaccine refuser, since 1971, she is an early advocate for womancentered birth options and delivered her children at home. Dr. McLean is a lifelong resident of the Virginia Beach area and moved to Maui in 2012, where she started Ocean LightForce Chiropractic-Maui.. She and her husband, Dr. Michael McLean have five children, Dr. Beth, graduate of University of Virginia and Life Chiropractic College, Lion, graduate of The College of William and Mary and ODU Engineering School. , Dr. Celeste McLean, D.C., Dr. Mithra Green, D.C. , both Life University graduates, and Demian McLean, a former editor for Bloomberg News in Melbourne, Australia. A competitive athlete, Dr. McLean is a National 4.0 Senior Women’s USTA Champion for 2004 and a 2004, 2007, 2008 and 2010 National Senior World Team Tennis Champion. In 2007, after a serious elbow injury, Dr. McLean discovered the benefits of cold laser, a light healing technology originally from Russia. She became so interested in this light technology that she worked with one of the top laser companies in the world for three years, assisting health care providers integrate cold laser into pain management and rehab. She served as Regional Representative, Educator and Vice President of Corporate Programs with Multi Radiance Medical from 2009-2012. Dr. McLean owns her own technology distribution company, LightForce® Frequencies representing the BioMat and other technology. She currently owns Ocean LightForce
Chiropractic and practices chiropractic in Maui, HI.
And Young Living Diamond Leader.
Then, everything changed two years ago when I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils and Bam, like some supernatural force swept into my life, I sold my first PSK to my daughter, Celeste, on June 14, 2014, and now everything in my life is amped up and totally transformed. After seeing several children get well overnight from a non-compliant disease, using Thieves, I became totally obsessed with finding out what those other 10 oils in the box did. And then the other 230… I researched, taught classes, about 10-12 a week, and found out that there was a business, comp plan and amazing trips that I won by accident. That was actually funny, because my daughter, Celeste won, too. We were so confused? Venice? What the heck? So, I went with the flow, have been trying to give my chiropractic practice away, and have been traveling all over the country promoting Young Living and the phenomenal way that essential oils work. So, since that day, until now, I am in awe of what Gary Young has created, the business model and the lifestyle changes that we as a community and family are experiencing. I’m not sure how this fits on a CV, but YL changed everything for me, my family and my community. In all my education, field work, teaching and sharing, I simply have no way of explaining the past two years of my life except by one word: Magical.
Thank you, Pat McLean 1701857
Website: https://lightforcechiropractors.com/our-team/